Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Today is one of those days...those days where getting my girls to eat a full and complete meal is next to impossible. You know how it is with a 3 and 2 year old... one day they eat like crazy and the next, well getting a bird to eat more would be easier. The past fews days my girls were eating all three meals and snacks too. Easy. No problem. This of course makes me so happy. Today however is another story. Neither of them ate half of their breakfast and now that it is time for lunch I can already see that I am going to be fighting this battle again. What makes me stress about the lunch time battle, is, it is too close to naptime. This can sometimes (and often does) interfer with them laying down and actually sleeping. Hoping I can get both girls to eat and nap this afternoon. I guess if I come back here and post, then you'll know my girls are asleep.

Time to make and serve lunch to my two cuties.

And please, cold weather, can you give us a break?


  1. I'm pretty sure I heard Linda say similar things. ;)

  2. This weather is crazy. Thankfully it's much better than a few weeks ago. As far as mealtime, my son is the pickiest eater of all time. My 8 month old thinks she has teeth and will devour chicken, biscuits or whatever. What gives? Sending you a hug and please know that you are NOT alone and this too shall pass. NapTime is the best time of the day!!!
