Friday, July 19, 2013

Wheelchair racing

So much going on, so much to say, never enough time to do it. I know, I know, excuses excuses right? I will get it together one of these days.

My Crohn's has been giving me a run for my money lately. Just 3 weeks ago I had emergency surgery to have my stinkin' gallbladder removed. I had suffered 3 pancreatitis attacks several weeks apart just before this and I made an appointment with my primary care physician Wednesday afternoon. I wasn't feeling well and thought I might be gearing up for another attack. Well I had just went in several days prior to do an ultrasound to look at my pancreas and low and behold my primary care doctor took a peek at the results and boom, next thing I know I am loaded into a wheel chair, being wheeled down to the ER by the doctor himself and a nurse following behind with my two little girls trying to keep up. Got to the ER downstairs and boom I was sent right back, IV started and surgeons already called down to come see me. Turns out I had a large gallstone blocking the ducts and that was why I kept getting pancreatitis. Since my blood work showed that I wasn't currently in the middle of a pancreatic attack, they could go ahead and do the surgery immediately. Next thing I know I'm sitting in the pre-op bed, laughing at my hubby and girls who were being silly and trying to make me laugh.

Be back shortly, gotta figure out once again how to get the picture on here so you can see the silliness.

In the meantime if you're looking for a good and healthy dip recipe, check out Stacy's blog. This is one of the few blogs I read daily. I haven't made this recipe yet but it certaily is in my near future because it looks and sounds wonderfully yummy!

Check it out here: