So much to write about that I can guarantee I will inevitably leave something out. First I am still trying to adjust to the fact that my first born child has turned 5 years old. May not seem like such a big deal but honestly my children have become a huge part of who I am these days. Yes, I know, that isn't exactly healthy but I'm working on it. I just finished reading Brooke Burke's new book, The Naked Mom and wow I loved it! Granted I am far from relating to her celebrity status but her motherhood and relationship words of wisdom were by far a wonderful wonderful read and they have put me into such a great frame of mind. I'm completely excited to put a few new healthy attitudes into action. By the way did I mention that my wonderful husband surprised me with Brooke Burke's new book, signed with a special message for me from Brooke? I thought that was over the top sweet, considering I wanted the book and follow Brooke on Twitter. Yes, I am a fan of hers. So this was a perfect gift. Then to top it off...I loved the book!
So as I was saying before... (Actually yesterday, since I had to save this and come back to it.) My first born child, my daughter KayLee turned 5 on the 10th of this month. My parents did an excellent job in the birthday department as I was growing up and I remember fabulous parties with friends and family and awesome yummy cakes that my mom made. This was something I envisioned for my children as well. I think birthday's are important for children. My husband and I make big deals of our little girls birthdays. This is the day the Lord blessed us with these children and something I will never ever take for granted. I will forever celebrate! I will always have a yummy home made cake and a few special presents for my girls. My two girls are the only grandchildren to my parents and my husbands and they are the only nieces to both my brother and sister-in-law, so yes, they get super spoiled. And yes, my husband and I have moments of spoiling them as well. My kids are young and no they do not understand the value of money and such but they are learning. They are very appreciative and they do not act like spoiled brats. My children have never ever screamed in a store because they needed a toy or something. It's not their nature. As my children grow, I will continue to teach them about needs vs wants and the value of a dollar. I have no problem in the meantime spending $20 bucks on a doll, Disney DVD or books and puzzles instead of getting my toes manicured. I will have the hubby do the toes instead. ;-)
Speaking of treats for me... I'm now a runner. I've always wanted to run thanks to my daddy who has been running marathons for as long as I can remember. My mom and I loved seeing him depart and then wait at the finish line, cheering for runners as they crossed. It could be freezing and raining or terribly hot and oppressive but you'd still see my mother and I laughing and dancing, we had a full appreciation of these runners and their training since we saw it first hand.
I finally got my running shoes on and got out there last week and ran. Okay only half a mile and it took me 9 minutes and 45 seconds but I started. Then I took a day off and tried again... 1 mile in 18 minutes. I decided I can do this. Entered a 5k with the hubby for the McGuire's Predicted 5k race. It was great! 3.1 miles in 42:05!!! I did it!!!! Two painful blisters later but I did it. Horrible shin splints but I did it. Walking around like a 90 year old for 3 days...but I did it! I hurt so bad the next day that I thought I needed to work harder to just get the muscle pain out and ran/walked a half mile. BIG HUGE mistake and huge lesson learned. Hoping to get a mile in tomorrow now that I am healed and move up to 1.5 on Sunday. Saturday I get a break...I think an intravenous iron infusion over two hours entitles me to a break. (Last infusion of 6 rounds this time, yippie!)
Alright I can clearly see I am getting giddy over finally blogging. Just too much to write that I can never fully complete just one subject that I intended to write about. So I'll end for now and hope I can blog more often so in the future I can give full attention to whatever it is that is on my mind.
Happy Saint Patrick's Day!
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