Thursday, September 23, 2010

Extreme Night Owl

This week has been interesting to say the least. KayLee has decided she is too old for naps. I knew this time was coming so I can't say I am too upset. As long as she doesn't prevent NataLee from napping I'm okay with her staying up. Is 4 and a half the typical age when a child gives up a nap? She's my first baby so I have no idea. I think she'll still nap if she has an extremely active morning. She'll get in her bed so NataLee sees her getting into bed and I told her she needs to stay in bed until NataLee falls asleep and once Nat is asleep she can come out of her room and join me in the living room as long as she's quiet. So far it's been working out well.

Another thing that has started happening is both of the girls have been sleeping until 8am. Shocker I know coming from two girls who always use to wake at the butt crack of dawn. Sadly I think it's due to their late nights. Despite the fact that we tuck the girls into bed at a very reasonable hour 8:45pm, NataLee for some reason thinks it's play time. KayLee is ready for bed and is tired but NataLee gets a serious burst of energy. She's quiet and tired looking until she hits her bed and boom, she is a totally different child. She will say "I'm hungry" or "I need a crayon" or anything to get either Herbert or myself to go into the room. She'll talk loudly and giggle. Most of the time she keeps KayLee up, sometimes Kay will fall asleep regardless of Nat. The thing is, Nat won't fall asleep until sometime after 11pm. I don't know what to do and how to get my child to get to bed earlier. Skipping her nap is not an option because then we'll just have grumpy to add to wide awake. We do quiet time after baths where lights are dim and we engage in quiet activities. What else can I do?

Oh boy girls are fighting over a coloring book, time to break up the fight.

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